Report Back on The Mayoral Forum

Last nights Mayoral Forum was well attended and copwatch was there in force. The most positive component that we took from the event was the fact that issues related to excessive force and police brutality hit the main stream. That said, the event was a clear example of political posturing and the ridiculousness behind electoral politics. The candidates knew who their targeted audience was and catered their responses appropriately. And guess what, we’d didn’t buy into it. Past mayors have made promises of reform and have failed to deliver and it is safe to say that the next mayor of Denver will do much of the same.

There was a consensus amongst the candidates that Chief Whitman will no longer be the grand wizard of the DPD, however no satisfactory alternatives were explored. The current system is so entrenched in brutality that it is safe to assume that no matter who the mayor is or who the new Chief will be people are still going to be brutalized by police, simply put there is no way around it. Sorry to be so grim, but that is the reality. Until communities take the matters into their own hands these atrocities will continue.

If interested, check out full coverage from the forum here

Video streaming by Ustream


The good folks at ACLU have set up a live stream of tonight’s event. It is set to begin at 6 oclock, so please tune in on the website if you are unable to attend in person

Online video chat by Ustream

TODAY!!!!!!!!!!Denver Mayoral Forum: Police Accountability

Today, April 7, 2011 @ 6:00 pm @ the Central Presbyterian Church, 1660 Sherman Street, The ACLU of Colorado and the Colorado chapter of the National Lawyers Guild will be hosting a 2 hour mayoral forum regarding police accountability.

Now, WDCW does not endorse any of the candidates, in fact we do not endorse any system that allows these brutalities to exist.  That said, it is still worth knowing the platforms of the future mayor of Denver.  Additionally, it makes sense for the struggle to take on a multi-pronged approach.  Considering this, we will be tableing at the event.  We encourage everyone to attend.

Mayoral Forum-Flier

Image courtesy of ACLU-CO

Denver Mayoral Forum: Police Accountability

Yesterday, the Denver Post featured a mayoral discussion regrading the Denver Police department, specifically relating to officer discipline.  Read the article here.  Clearly, there is a consensus amongst the candidates that the current administration and disciplinary review process are unsatisfactory, however no where in the article is real citizenry participation and community determination mentioned, no surprise there.

On April 7, 2011 @ 6:00 pm @ the Central Presbyterian Church, 1660 Sherman Street, The ACLU of Colorado and the Colorado chapter of the National Lawyers Guild will be hosting a 2 hour mayoral forum regarding police accountability.

Now, WDCW does not endorse any of the candidates, in fact we do not endorse any system that allows these brutalities to exist.  That said, it is still worth knowing the platforms of the future mayor of Denver.  Additionally, it makes sense for the struggle to take on a multi-pronged approach so because of that we will be tableing at the event.  We encourage everyone to attend.

Mayoral Forum-Flier

On a side note, since we view the whole electoral process as something of a joke, we recommend people to take a look at Jeff Peckman, one of the mayoral candidates.  Please, I beg of you to check this “rap” video, featuring Candidate Peckman here